Reflective writing is a practice in which the author describes real or fictional scenes, events, interactions, thoughts or memories passed, and personal reflections on their meanings. In reflective writing, the emphasis is on more than just descriptive writing.[1]

In this reflection, I bring a little of my experiences, how they have guided my way, and what I have learned, especially recently about myself and the path I have followed. A lover of technology and computers with vast experience in the IT field, almost ten years as a support technician, I have always kept myself updated to exercise my role in the best possible way. It caught my attention when writing about IKIGAI. However, on the other hand, even working with something I like, I always wanted to explore new areas. Working three years on a support vessel for oil platforms in Brazil gave me new horizons, experiences, and many photos.

   During my three years studying naval engineering at the university, I found new challenges in the academic field. Part of the classes involved calculations, but others were more practical classes, which makes sense comparing how I felt about that to my learning style results that I did recently. As a tactile learner, I am a “hands-on” person, which means I can learn by touching and doing. Practical activities are more attractive. I can easily remember what I have done, but on the other way, may it be difficult to stay seated and also reflected on things I see or hear. (What’s your learning style? 20 questions, no date)[2]

   With my coming to Ireland, I put one more challenge on this journey. Based on everything I have experienced, I found marketing an excellent opportunity to bring together several of the things I like most, some still little explored and transform into a way of living. My personality is considered Turbulent Architect (INTJ-T) that believes that, through willpower and intelligence, he or she can reach even the most challenging goal. However, he or she may think that not everyone is as intelligent or creative as they are. I am good at making decisions even without asking other people about it. In general, Architects prefer to be right than popular, which means we use more facts than emotions. This personality test revealed a lot of things about me and showed me, and made me understand why I think the way I think. [3]

   I have significantly improved the way I think about everything. John Flavell introduced the concept of metacognition. Flavell said it could control the thought process through various strategies (such as organization, monitoring, and adjustment). In addition, I can also reflect on the tasks or processes you undertake and choose and use appropriate strategies necessary for cross-cultural communication.[4]. In this way, I feel more confident and safer to go further and achieve all my goals.

[1]Reflective Essay Examples (no date) Available at: (Accessed: May 5, 2021).

[2]What’s your learning style? 20 questions (no date) Available at: (Accessed: May 1, 2021).

[3]Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice (no date) Available at: (Accessed: May 2, 2021)

[4]Finn, B. (2012) “What Is Metacognition?,” PsycCritiques, 57(5). doi: 10.1037/a0026515.



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